The first couple of months of the new school year have been very busy for the pupils in St. Brigid’s.  We have an enrolment of 127 pupils for the school year.  We welcomed 24 second class boys in September and we have 12 children enrolled in our Preschool ASD classes. An open evening was held for the 2nd Class in September. Thanks to the Parents Council for providing refreshments at this event.

We welcome back Mrs. Whelan (4th Class) and Ms. Doyle ( support teacher) who is job sharing with Mr. Cunningham this year. We also welcome Mrs. Curtin as one of the teachers on the Supply Panel.

Jenny Gladney, an Education Wellbeing Practitioner has been assigned to our school this year through the NEPS Wellbeing in Primary schools pilot programme. She will be working with all classes throughout the year supporting their wellbeing, helping them to be happy in their lives and to reach their full potential.  

Our school is continuing to work on improving school attendance as part of our DEIS plan. Every day counts in your child’s education and we ask you to support the school in improving attendance. Each month the class with the highest overall attendance receives a certificate, treats and a chance to watch a movie. Each child with 100% attendance for that month will receive a small reward.

Attendance Winners for October

A new Green School Committee was set up by Mrs. Carrigan with two members from each class. As part of the Global Citizenship theme the school took part in the GOAL Jersey Day raising awareness of their humanitarian aid work to help some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. Thank you to all who supported this worthy cause raising over €260.

Student Council

The new Student Council for 2024/2025 was elected in October with two representatives from each class. Thanks to the outgoing student council who worked really hard throughout the year, fundraising to buy extra games( pool table, table tennis and a dart board)  for lunch time. They represented the school at various events and welcomed parents at the parent teacher meetings.  Through our Student Council, St. Brigid’s N.S. hopes to give our pupils a more active role in the organisation of the school and ensure that they are listened to and respected for their ideas and concerns.


Maths week took place from 13th – 19th of October. A number of activities took place within the school to promote enjoyment of Maths and highlight the creativity of the subject with fun estimation activities and daily maths challenges. The boys from 6th Class designed a Maths Trail around the school for 2nd Class and helped them to find the answers. Well done to all the boys who sent in photos of themselves using their “ Maths eyes” at home.


Parents Council

The Parents Council AGM took place on 11th October. The newly elected committee members are:

Chairperson:  Lorna O’ Brien              Secretary:  Helen Mc Cullagh                

Treasurer: Amanda Dillon                   Assistant Treasurer: Sandra McAssey

The school and board of management would like to thank the parents council for their support at school events and for their hard work in fundraising for the school throughout the year.  It is very much appreciated by the staff and pupils of St. Brigid’s.

The first Board of Management Meeting for the 2024 school year was held on Thursday 17th October. The Agreed Report to the parents is available to view on the school website in the BOM section.


What a scary sight to behold- the students and staff in St. Brigid’s dressed up in Hallowe’en costumes in aid of Barretstown. Thanks to all who supported this worthy cause, we raised over €260.

Important Dates for the Diary

School will close for mid-term on Friday 25th  October and reopen on Monday 4th November at 9am. We hope everyone enjoys a well deserved break over the mid-term. Happy Hallowe’en.

Mrs. Tuffy