St. Brigid’s N.S. will close on Friday 22nd March at 12 o’clock for the Easter holidays and will reopen on Monday 8th of April at 9am.
It has been a very busy term for the teachers and students in the school with lots of sporting and educational activities taking place over the last few months.
Cumann na mBunscol Indoor Pella Blitz: 4th class took part in this fun event in Old Leighlin Sports hall.

Kang O’ Gorman, represented the school in the Future Stars Para Athletics Festival and Indoor Diversity Games in Athlone, winning gold medals in the 60m and shotput. Well done Kang!

2nd and 3rd Class took part in 6 weeks soccer coaching with Klaas Kickz which was funded by SCP.
Carlow Sports Partnership have been providing Athletics coaching for 5th and 6th classes in the hall of Coláiste Aíndriú. School teams from 5th and 6th took part in the Relay competition in SETU Carlow on Tuesday 19th March. Congratulations to the team from 5th class who came 2nd and the team from 6th class who came 4th. Our school placed 2nd in the best overall single sex school.

Swimming lessons took place for 2nd and 3rd class in Graigcullen Swimming Pool Carlow. Thanks to the Parents Council who funded the buses.
Spar FAI primary school’s soccer competition: Two teams from 5th and 6th Class who took part in the Regional competition in St. Pat’s in Carlow. One team will go forward to represent the school in the County Finals which will be held in April.
Quiz News
Congratulations to the team from 4th Class who won 1st place in PDLS table quiz in February.

Junior and Senior teams represented the school in the recent Credit Union Quiz with both teams doing very well.

A team from 5th and 6th Class came 3rd in the recent ‘Spraoicheist’ run by Glór Ceatharlach to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge.

The boys from 2nd and 6th class attended Mass on St. Brigid’s Day. The 6th Class made crosses for the community as part of their Confirmation Challenge. These were distributed to the community after the Mass.
Congratulations to the boys in 6th Class who made their Confirmation in St. Andrew’s on Saturday 2nd March. It was a very special occasion and well done to all the boys who took part in the various parts of the mass.

2nd Class made their First Confession on March 19th and will make their First Holy Communion on Saturday 11th May.
Thanks to the boys from 5th and 6th Class boys who distributed the ‘Trocaire’ boxes to the local community.
Other School Activities
Gardening with Shirley Lee: All classes were involved in gardening activities: making birdfeeders, taking cuttings and planting seeds.

Grandparents Day was held on 24th January as part of Catholic’s Schools Week. There was Mass in St. Andrew’s Church followed by refreshments in the school hall. Grandparents enjoyed the opportunity to visit their grandson’s class and see their work. Thanks to the Parents Council for providing refreshments.
Students from 4th and 5th Class hosted a Science Fair in the school hall on Fri 1st March. They showed their experiments and used posters and Google Slides to present their projects which ranged from Exploding Volcanoes to Magnetic vehicles and many more.

World Book Day took place on Thursday 7th March. Lots of students dressed up as their favourite character and the students took part in a range of book related activities during the day.

SEAI gave workshops to all classes last week exploring the topic of renewable energy.
Lá Glas was held on Friday 15th March with the boys decked out in various green costumes starting the celebration for St. Patrick’s Day.

Parents Council held their Annual Easter Draw with fantastic prizes once again. Thanks to all the boys for selling the cards and to all who supported the school. A special thanks to the Parents Council for all the hard work in finding sponsors for the prizes and organising the draw.
The winners are as follows:
1st Prize: A Child’s Mountain Bike sponsored by Bradbury’s: HARRY MC CULLAGH |
2nd Prize: €100 Supervalu Voucher: MURRAY FAMILY 3rd Prize: €100 Dunnes Voucher- Sponsored by Eoin Cowman Carlow Express: SHELLY DOYLE |
4th Prize: €50 ‘Railway House’ voucher : PADDY FOSTER |
5th Prize: €50 ‘Bird Cage’ voucher – Sponsored by St. Canice’s Credit Union: SIOBHAN TUITE 6th Prize: Hamper sponsored by Supervalu: BEN FOSTER |
7th Prize: €50 ‘Jones Business Systems’ voucher: ARTHUR MC CULLAGH 8th Prize: Large Easter Egg Hamper – Sponsored by EMS Copiers: GARY & CAROLINE |
9th Prize: Brandy & Glass Set – sponsored by Carrigan O’Dwyer Accountants: LIAM O’ BRIEN 10th Prize: €50 ‘His n Her’ voucher: LIAM PLANT 11th Prize: Carlow Jersey sponsored by EMS Copiers: ARNOLD WATCHORN 12th Prize: Carlow Jersey CANAVAN FAMILY 12th Prize: Hamper from Nolan’s Chemist: RYAN MC ASSEY 13th Prize: Hamper from Healy’s Chemist: AZANN FAISAL |

On behalf of the staff I would like to thank you the parents for your continued support and wish you and your family a Happy Easter.
Yours sincerely
O. Tuffy ( Principal)