Nutty Science Workshops

Nutty Science Workshops took place on Monday 6th March for 2nd to 6th Class as part of Engineering Week. Second, third and fourth class learned about friction and how to reduce it. They made balloon hovercrafts which they brought home. Fifth and sixth class explored hydraulics- the study of the behavior of water and liquids through pipes and channels as it relates to engineering. They made a hydraulic arm using syringes. The Nutty Scientist gave a great performance- setting off mini rockets and setting things on fire, much to the delight of the boys!

K-Nex Challenge

Well done to Sixth class who won the K-nex challenge in SETU Carlow on Friday 10th March. The K’NEX Challenge model kits allowed the students to design and build an engineering model of a real-life invention – all of which have a use in our everyday lives.  They had to design a structure 50cm in height and of a certain weight that could withstand vibrations similar to an earthquake.